Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Esau, Jacob and Isaac

hua hi
chio jit e si kua
ya he hua goa e bok chiak
bo kiam kua - no lack
an wei - comfort
tek seng - victory
hok ki
kit chai - recorded
keng - light
oa am - darkness
chi pian - lie
sue chin ki - clean
kong beng
po sui - protect
qi giam - temptation
hua kai e sim - repentant heart
lim bin - forgive
tek jue - offend
ki sat
m tang
kuai lok - happy
cheng ki e sim - clean heart
lim chun liong bok su
sa la - wrong
I sat, rebecca - Isaac, Rebecca
tap eng - agree
pan huat - plan
bo ko leng - cannot
tak kuan - alternative
chui huat - sinful act
ket hun - marry
gua pang - gentile
keng beng - light
to - bring
ui si - sometimes
ying chua - guide
hua hi - pleasure
ka si - instruction
le pai - sunday
hong bin - aspect
sing yong - beliefs
eng yao - glory
siong sim - sadness
chui tua - hand
tai si - kill
ke siok - continue
ti kao - until
guan liong - forgive
bua tang - have not
ko tek - rely
pun sim - originally
dua kia - eldest son
mia hun - 1st born
hai lang - harm people
lao pe
chun keng - respect
mai cho
pua hup - cooperate
ki pian - deception
kim chi - money
kam cheng - feelings
kun nan, boon tui - trouble, problem
sin sit - faithful
tai chi - matter
gong kao chia - speak till this point
hua eng - respond

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul,
    You did 5 great posts from May 18 to June 22. I enjoy reading them and learning from you.
