Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mark 1:29-31

Jesus Heals Peter's Mother in-law
Te - short
Jiat Pi - fever
Ki chai - recorded
Hun sit - revise
Tui um - mother in-law
Kia sai - son in-law
Tiong yao - important
Suan yong - announce
Se jit kao hue - build the church
Tuan toe - preach the truth
Wai piao - from the external
Ke teng sio chok - home cell groups
Chu - home
Hong sit - ways
Kian cheng e ke teng - a witnessing home
Chiat sim - passionate
Un jiu - gentle
Huat sio - fever\
Hong bin - point of view
Tai ji - matter
Tue lang ki to - pray for others
Chu yi - pay attention
Hu ki lai - help to sit up
Chin chiat - attentive
Chun kin - respect
Lip kiat - immediately
Piao si - represent
Kok tua - grow, expand
Hak seng - student, disciple
Pua pa e lang - sick people
Yi kian - view
Huan ying - welcome

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul, Good work! Do you conduct a Hokkien speaking class in your church?
